Cheer up and cry some happy tears

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dears :) how are you doing?

Today was not my day, not at all but alhamdulillah it became better. You know these days.. X-files. I just leave now all that behind, or I have already. And wait patiently my iddah to be over. Everything happens for a reason always, and I can see now what lead me to these situations I have been in this year.


I went for a walk in the forest today to clear my thoughts. And I figured out this year is my growth year. It's good, alhamdulillah, maybe I have been going round and round following my own footsteps for past couple years and really haven't focused on myself. This is something self care routines and hygge and all the toxic positivity niceness can't help. It has been raw, it has been hurtful, to identify what's really been going on. There's one thing that keeps popping up from time to time and it will always shatter me in pieces. And then there's my illness, struggle in love relationships etc. But this time I am stronger. Before I thought that I don't wanna let anything bring me down. I was wrong, I did fall many times. Now, just try me. ;)

Also, I cried a little bit. Frustrated tears and some happy tears too, alhamdulillah. I know many people think that crying doesn't help anything and is a sign of weakness. I strongly believe that we have our tears for a reason. It does help. What else would you use to wash your soul with?


Suttis was getting crazy today, subhan Allah.. ๐Ÿ˜… Every day with a turtle is different, that's how it seems to be. Yesterday he wanted to be on my lap and was playing some his own game, by jumping on the floor, getting back on my lap and then jumping again. But today, oh my days.. I learned these kind of turtles have their mating season now and I have put some extra vitamins in his food, so the outcome was that he was running wildly around, trying to bite my toes. When I say he ran, he ran! He has some kind of a turbo gear.. I had to put him back to his enclosure and close the lights. He understood the lesson and dig himself a nice little nest to sleep. Waiting for what tomorrow brings, in sha Allah..


So as a summary, not my day but alhamdulillah. Like we say in Finnish, "loppu hyvin, kaikki hyvin", which translates as "ending is fine, so everything is fine". I have so amazing people in my life, old and new, young and young by heart. Alhamdulillah. My sick leave will end tomorrow but I am not yet going back to work. I have to sort out a few things first, and overall take things easy and slow. I try to learn this lesson finally, I tend to be very fast and it's not necessarily the best way. Sometimes it is, sometimes not. But anyways, enough with this chat. Let's pray and go to sleep in sha Allah ✌

Until next time,



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