
Jummah Mubarak

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah all :) weekend time, yay :) Alhamdulillah. Today has been one of these nice days.. I didn't do so much but I did some nice things. Like cleaned the home and baked some cinnamon rolls :) I was thinking about my grandma, she taught me how to make some korvapuusti. Last time I have made them was with her, so this was the first attempt to make them myself. Grandma made better, but they turned out good still :)      ... I have been in the two groups for a couple of weeks now and it feels good. I'm really happy that finally I'm actually getting some real help. Taking medicine is one thing, but it won't get you far if you don't have other support. So far I've gotten good tips from the anxiety relief group, and the boxing is just great, I love it. And the teacher said she likes my style :) So I get really good experiences and the atmosphere in both groups is accepting. No one is there to judge others. I still find it hard to take contact

The favourites

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. How are u doing? I spent today just at home, cleaning and organizing, and arranging things. This apartment has a temporary feel, but I got to make it more cosy and more color co-ordinated too, so it feels better now. Decorating takes time. In sha Allah it is a nice process, no worries. :) ... I promised you a favorite list, and here it comes: 1. Micellar water This micellar water is from Favora, price was around 14 euros and it's very long lasting. It makes my skin clean and gives a nice glow :) 2. Leave-in conditioner Now when my skin seems to be alright, I've started my hair journey. When I was a kid, I had curly hair. It straightened through age though. Now I'm not sure is my hair wavy or straight, but definitely it's dry. Also very long. So I am trying the curly girl method just to see can it help my hair to become more moisturized. A leave in conditioner is really easy to use and works better than regular conditioners

Sunday time

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh all :) how's things? I had a pretty chill day. In the daytime I walked to a nearby shopping mall to buy few grocery items and then some halal ground beef. Alhamdulillah. I came home, cooked, did everything, had my after dinner tea, and then it was like three o'clock, lol.. Then I took a nap and have been resting all evening. ... I will just share some photos since I found a cheat code to this.. I can apply the pictures with my phone, how I haven't thought this before?  A mental health coffee.. at a mental hospital, yikes! Was just getting ready for the group, that's all. :) Curry beans, yum :) (I'm really lazy making side salads, this has to change) Second hand shop finds.. :) My little guy is still sleeping, three weeks now. I put the shells out for him, hope he likes them. I love this shirt so much! :D Today's kind-of-köfte with eggplant and Turkish pepper creamy tomato sauce. Don't judge the amount of bread :


 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah all :) how you've been doing? I have been same time busy and same time not, but no excuse for not posting. Things are going easy, alhamdulillah. Just regular living I guess. I had my friend over for a week, going on dates, battling with anxiety which takes an awful lot of my time sometimes (why I picture myself fighting with a dragon lol), then I started in one group at the hospital.. gonna start in another one too this week in sha Allah. But all in all, just regular things taking time. Nothing interesting has happened 😎 ... I'm kinda on a quest of finding my peace. I decided not to work the rest of the year, I have my pension so it's possible alhamdulillah. I rather manage with low income than trying to do too much. And as I've worked as a caretaker, it starts to be too much, to be honest. It's not for me anymore. I will keep on caring of my loved ones, friends etc, the people who already are in my life. For some that kind of work

Just happy, alhamdulillah

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah all :) how did your weekend go? Today I had a nice day. Went to a flea market and walked back home the way I usually travel by metro. Bought some chewing gum.. and stayed a while outside chatting with my company. :) Rest of the day I just mainly relaxed... washed some laundry, cooked a quick dinner... usual stuff. Alhamdulillah. ... Now, no evil eye here please! I want to tell you I am happy :) and I hope you are too. I really do. Happiness is a state of mind and I try to achieve that state actively. I like that I am able to say everything is fine. It's true, not everything can be always fine, and most of the times it's lemon lemon difficult lemon. I want to enjoy this moment though, as long as it lasts. Things are not ideal, but pretty much ok, and I'm fine with that, alhamdulillah. I have a feeling that the rest of the year will be better than the first half. Summer is always crazy and anything can happen. Now it's time to take few ste

Private message

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi everyone :) how's your week started? I have been doing fine, alhamdulillah. I had a friend here, spending a long weekend with me. I have laughed so much I thought I simply stop breathing, astaghfirullah... and alhamdulillah.  My turtle is getting ready for hibernation, or then he is having a late summer rest. He might sleep few days, then wake up for a day and then go for a long sleep again. This is a learning process for me, to understand his routines throughout the year. But it's really interesting too, and all in all this little guy has completely melted my heart :) <3  ... Yeah it has been better for me to take some more time for myself. I maybe just have to take more time now to kind of draw my outlines again, if that makes sense. I'm often going through these same themes, and boundaries is one of the topics that keep circulating. But yeah, outlines. A different boundaries setting. But don't get me wrong, I do need company and I

Not much but easy

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh :) how are u doing? I'm fine, alhamdulillah. I got my injection medicine yesterday so I still feel very tired because of it.. it will ease in few days in sha Allah. But that's why I haven't really done much, mainly only grocery shopping and some home chores.  ... I don't have really much to write, lol. Nothing really has happened, life has been going on easy, alhamdulillah. I have less anxiety now and naturally that feels good. I even went to a new halal shop today which is in our neighborhood. Sorry to say but it was a bit weird, everything including the meats looked kinda old.. chicken was fresh so I bought it. Probably won't go again..  ...But alhamdulillah. These kind of not-so-much days are very needed. Some rest and relaxing. I hope you too, dear reader, have some easy days ahead. May Allah swt bless us every day in many beautiful ways, amiin. ❤ ... So, maybe next time I have more to write. Thank you for reading,