Until next time
Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh :) how are u doing?
Alhamdulillah. I got to visit my friend last weekend, we just both had flu so we didn't really do much else than what we were capable of: drinking tea and coffee and scrolling through Tiktok. But alhamdulillah. It was nice to see her and it was nice to come back home to hubby and turtle too.
I'm still a bit feverish but getting better in sha Allah.
Fast forward to evening, I made some pancakes with date syrup, yum :) a nice treat. I've been crying all day, not gonna tell the reason, I'm sorry, but just things seem frustrating sometimes. Pancakes were a good medicine for this and a hot shower later, and I will be new again in sha Allah. For some time again..
Suttis, the tortoise, was lucky today to receive a package my husband kindly went to pick for him. A sleeping hut! Well, basically he just checked it with a slight interest and layed down elsewhere (on the cold hard floor..) and I did what all pet owners do in this situation, of course I put him there and tried to make him see how nice it is :D no luck yet for me. But in sha Allah he will like it later as it would be a nice place for him to rest in the evenings.
Now he just wanders around the house looking for a place to sleep, dragging himself forward like a zombie. I can't put him into his enclosure yet, no, he will want to come out again. Tortoise is a pet u really need to let them do what they want because they know so well what's best for them :) and are determined on their quests.. greets from mr. sleeping four months in a row and making me anxious is he ever gonna wake up :D