Assalamu aleikum dears. How are you today? π»
Past weeks.. phew. I feel my brain is working overtime. I'm trying to solve million problems, have same time some good insight about them, then help my friends solve theirs.. trying to be present, trying to get the best wisdoms out of myself.. trying to be a good muslim and spiritually awaken, mend my personality and better my character.
I might be exaggerating just a little, but all in all, it won't happen. I won't get wonderful results in the end of this week, not even in the end of this year. It's fine. No worries.. I don't need to. I need to pause.
It's probably very common to overthink, especially in stressful times. An anxious person is easily drawn to ponder about the issues that cause them anxiety, which will - cause more anxiety. So.. should I just stop resolving the problems? How that will help?
One of the worst things to say to someone who is very stressed, is "just relax". If they could switch the stress off, surely they would. Being not able to, is part of the problem. But from another angle, relaxing and calming oneself could be seen as an useful life skill.
Personally, I tend to spend most of my time in my thoughts, currently. I read articles, watch videos etc., and think think think, all day long. That doesn't make me smart or help me learn new things, it just takes lot of energy and (my husband's words:) brain power. So to cure this habit I have, I've tried to put my energy on the opposite. Out from the inner world and into the outside. π
This is a longer topic, but shortly, I wish to develop my connection with my body. It's one thing to be more active and exercise, for example, which is good and I enjoy it. But I've tried now some mindfulness exercises, yesterday and today, and it's really interesting. To really quiet down and feel and listen to my body. I've really needed that. So far I've learned that I carry so many memories in my body. Also anxiety and stress have made their nests in me. Shoulders, chest, neck. Little pains in joints.
I plan to take time every day to sit or lay down, and learn how to relax myself, in sha Allah. How to feel comfortable in my own body, staying still, in the present moment. What kind of things my body wishes to bring up? I'm interested to see how these exercises will affect on my daily life. And not only the exercises, but generally staying more active and engaged to the physical world π Today I did groceries, laundry, some cleaning and took apart one table and took the parts to the cellar. Also I cooked and still plan to take a nice shower. Even after just one day like this, I do feel much better and my thoughts are not going too fast. One thing only starts to stress me now - the phone. Hmm..
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