Wiring up
Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah :)
My laptop is back and alhamdulillah how much easier things are now, especially what comes to writing. Now I can write my blog better, much better, and also I can continue writing a story I started last year.
Last time I wrote about tears, and to be honest it's not much easier, but of course there's always things to be grateful of. So it's a little difficult, difficult, lemon, difficult (a meme - not easy, peasy, lemon squeezy), but as the days go by I learn to deal with this thing better and better, alhamdulillah.
So should we go back to all the positive things? I say yes. And one of my favourite things is creating different sorts of lists. I think it's a good time for..
June favourites!
1. Summer is here
How beautiful it is outside! It looks like the leaves on the trees and bushes couldn't be any larger than they are right now, and summer just started. Flowers, lilac trees.. all kinda tree seeds floating in the air. And the sunshine.. I love summer.
2. Excersize
I have started to go for walks and increase my home workouts, and I'm happy I'm finally starting to find the good feel in working out. If I stress too much about my weight and appearance, I can't find that same happiness. So now, I try to approve and appreciate my body and what it is doing for me every day, and then just go out for walks for fun. And without any pressure, it really is fun. :)
3. Aloe gel
My skin looks so much better and has started to heal after I started to use aloe gel again. And not only for skin - it does amazing things to hair too! I add it to damp hair after shower, and now my hair is much thicker than it used to be. Yes! :) It won't dry like hair gel. It kinda disappears and absorbs into hair very well.
4. Writing
Writing in notebook, writing on phone, and now I have my laptop back to write too. I love it. Writing is such a good way to process thoughts and feelings, and it kinda helps when you have an audience to write to. Even if it's just family and friends.. and you, dear reader right there :)
I hope you all are doing fine. Have a good day!
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