Eid al Adha 2023

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dear readers. I hope all of you who are muslims, have had or are still having a beautiful Eid al Adha <3

I have been today at home alone.. how else? :D Well, I maybe haven't been fully feeling fine these days, but today my period started so I've had cramps and it has been better to stay at home. My friends invited me with them, so don't worry, this was my own choice.


If I've been feeling lousy, I have also been a lousy muslim lately.. or that's how I've felt. I could have done things better. But most importantly, I have made my tawba and I try to focus on doing good deeds to get my imaan better again. 

It feels good to get answers to small duaas. Maybe the bigger requests will also happen? At least I feel more confident, less anxious, sadaqah came right back, and today I have a nice fried chicken slash ratatouille dinner in the making, in sha Allah. Things could be a lot worse, and I'm happy I reached this point where I can only get better. Kind of a fresh start I guess.


I do have lovely friends, alhamdulillah. So many blessings. Why it sometimes feel if you don't have that one thing or person etc, you don't have nothing at all?

I am ready to start my journey as a lonely wolf. Be at peace, float in confidence and walk the straight road. I used to be stronger. I want to get that same strength back. Without worrying constantly, but being open to life to happen. Be open to Allah's swt plan happen.


So enough with the dirty laundry.. let's move on to the clean laundry era. Life is good, life is beautiful. There's so many good people in the world. There's so many blessings to enjoy each day. it's not all happy happy joy joy, but at least a bit of a smile and laughter. I have again love to give. If I receive it, alhamdulillah. If I don't receive it, it will reach me later in sha Allah.

Clean slate. This is not all my laundry lol but let's not start with overwhelming amount...

Chicken marinating, I still have some jerk spice left and that's the one and only for fried chicken.. then zucchini, mushroom and spring onion with some crushed tomatoes.. can't wait. Yum. 

Happy Eid for everyone!



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