
 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah :) How's your weekend going?

I left home yesterday for jummah prayer, went to eat with my friends, and then I had a sleepover at my friend's place. Came home, went to a walk and market. And now I sat down with you :)


I try now to eat more healthy and exercise more, in sha Allah. I crave vegetables and healthy food, and even though I ate candy yesterday, it feel now too sugary. I love smoothie and dipping some carrot and cauliflower... I also treated myself and bought some salmon to cook tomorrow in sha Allah.

I want to invest in myself. I no longer want to just manage or survive. I want to live my life and be myself. I don't know why it is so hard for me sometimes. But I feel like I've taken steps for better now, alhamdulillah. Of course I started already earlier, and also I have come along sooo long way from for example that time I was at my 20s.. but now I feel it's time to step into a new era, which is my wellbeing.


Time to take another glass of smoothie.. yum.

Yes so, time to invest in myself. These past years while I was married, my whole focus was to save money and I also had to pay my own and my husband's bills (yes I know.. but it was the circumstances that time), and save for a flight ticket too. I haven't really thought about what I want and what is good for me. It felt good to have a purpose, to serve a purpose, and it was my reason to wake up in the morning and keep going. But now the purpose is.. me?

Of course I am a muslim and my purpose here is to serve Allah swt. But He gave me life, my soul, my physical body and brain to take care of, and for too long I have neglected my own needs. I am a helpful and generous person but it backfires a lot. Now I learn boundaries in this subject too, alhamdulillah. If you take me for granted, you can start to assume I left. That's how it goes now.


Gosh I love this smoothie :D

So things are going alright, could be better but could be worse so alhamdulillah for everything. I hope you all are fine too. I'm gonna now relax the rest of today and tomorrow I might have work. Later then,



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