
 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah :) how are u?

Today I went to the gym and market, cooked some meat stew in the oven and then I have just relaxed and had some period cramps.. I drank my last cup of tea for tonight, a cup of peppermint tea with milk. I know, milk doesn't go well with herbal tea but I like the sweetness of oat milk mixed with the lovely mint taste. I have to put milk or it's not tea! Or actually, with mint it becomes some type of moon milk I guess.. well anyways. How have you been doing?


I put Blue Planet II in the background while I'm writing. There's something in the sea that is so calming. A whole different world. I have felt a bit apathetic in the evenings and ocean documentaries are a good remedy.

I've been happy too, don't get me wrong. But this time of month makes me a bit sad and it's just normal.

I have rejected again few men and feel disappointed. But knowing that I am in the right place and time, where I'm supposed to be in sha Allah, gives me comfort. And my friends have so much patience for me. I guess there has been growth. At least now I know my boundaries and am not afraid to keep them.


I like Pinterest so much, it's also a good distraction sometimes.. I relax by scrolling through fashion trends and outfit ideas. Home decoration and sunflowers. Recipes and also, islamic reminders. I started a new board called "my capsule wardrobe", and I try to add all the items there little by little. You can follow me in Pinterest too, you can find me there by my name, Aisha Elina. 

(Cute, there's Nemo and Dori in the tv now :) )

(My personal favorite is the turtle)


So yes, there is times to be happy and there is times to be more patient. It's all good, alhamdulillah. I hope you all have had a nice weekend, may Allah bless you and your families. <3

- Aisha


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