Real know real

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah dears :) It's weekend! Jummah Mubarak :)

Today I have been at home, organizing closets, throwing away little chips and chups I don't need, and also I have packed my bags because I go to see my family this weekend in sha Allah. I feel better and alhamdulillah this has been an easy day.


I have very mixed feelings about everything and same time, I just am happy and content with what I have. I have so great friends! Ma sha Allah. May Allah swt bless them and multiply the blessings even more. I can get through this, in sha Allah.

Of course I am disappointed and I do feel like a failure. My sister, who I haven't really spoken in years, thinks I always f up my life and doesn't want to hear from me.. and she is probably right I guess. Romantic relationships and love is what I wish to have in my life the most, and that's where I'm most tested. 

Everyone wants to be loved, but who is ready to give love? I wish I'd find someone to love me true. Like I would love him.


But let's not get sad. I have said to my friends that something has really happened. I think I finally grew some balls, astaghfirullah.. And now I'm not gonna lower myself for no reason. I am worthy and I am kinda nice woman after all. I will see what Allah swt has destined for me. :) Life is like this, it has twists and turns and we should enjoy the ride. Halal way of course :)

So I will be away for the weekend. Take care of yourself and your dear ones. Spend some quality time with family <3 

Oh sorry. Not some. Spend a lot! of time with your family, they deserve it and you deserve it too.



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