Time to think

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh everyone :) how are u doing?

Last couple of weeks have been kinda crazy, the crazy thing being me. The breakdown wasn't enough, it just continued and now I'm on sick leave for one month. But alhamdulillah, I'm gonna chill and paint and just take good care of myself.


My husband has been so sweet today. We have issues now that need to be solved, in sha Allah things will settle down alright. He is staying with a friend, we take some time and then see again if the issues can be solved. We love each other and we are not arguing, just a little break.

Today we went to the nearby forest to my secret place with the best view.. we hung out with some friends, then went for a drive. It makes such a difference when we really take time together and go explore places etc. It will freshen up the air and can make memories together. Don't stay home with your spouse for too long.

We live in a one room apartment, my apartment, and it's too small for two people and a tortoise. I don't know where all these problems started but I guess it's partly of the living situation and then, money. Again, in sha Allah things will turn out fine and we continue together stronger. If not, it will be the Qadr of Allah and I accept it.


So yes, one month of day offs.. I think I have deserved this. The customers can be so demanding and I am not in the right mindset to devote to another person like that. I do have a high work morale and I always wanna do my job well. So if I know I can't do it, I can't do it.

I hope you all are well and no worries, this will pass in sha Allah. Let's make duaa for each other :)

Later then,



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