
 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah all :) how you've been doing?

I have been same time busy and same time not, but no excuse for not posting. Things are going easy, alhamdulillah. Just regular living I guess.

I had my friend over for a week, going on dates, battling with anxiety which takes an awful lot of my time sometimes (why I picture myself fighting with a dragon lol), then I started in one group at the hospital.. gonna start in another one too this week in sha Allah. But all in all, just regular things taking time. Nothing interesting has happened 😎


I'm kinda on a quest of finding my peace. I decided not to work the rest of the year, I have my pension so it's possible alhamdulillah. I rather manage with low income than trying to do too much. And as I've worked as a caretaker, it starts to be too much, to be honest. It's not for me anymore. I will keep on caring of my loved ones, friends etc, the people who already are in my life. For some that kind of work is fine but I've seen too many times now that it will become draining at some point. It's important work though.

But yeah, finding my peace. I just today met my nurse and we had a good talk. I was talking with her how anxiety is so time consuming and limits my life a lot. But I can't give up, it's either me locking up in my home or then I just go out and live. The group I'm going should give some tools to work with and help, in sha Allah.

Other group is boxing 😊 I'm excited about it.

Also what has helped is of course good company and I have gone to places and events I would normally be terrified at. I have met someone who makes me feel safe, alhamdulillah, and then if he doesn't see anything wrong with me, why should I.

And it's not bad also to have days when I am not doing anything or going out of the house. Charging up batteries is needed too.


It's getting chilly! The Summer has felt never-ending but today was cold. Not too cold though, I put a warm jacket and first it felt like a reasonable idea but after I walked some time in the beautiful sunshine it very quickly turned out to be not so good idea after all. But alhamdulillah for that too. I bought a denim sherpa jacket from Vinted and it's so warm and fluffy 😊 I will probably wear it until it starts to snow.

Other scattiness is that I started using micellar water. It's really good, my skin looks so much better now, alhamdulillah. It's not natural though.. or if the chemicals are natural.. Well, anyways, I currently use one from pharmacy, a Favora one. A bit pricey for my little budget but worth it definitely. 

So now for skincare, my routine is still very simple. First wash with water, then the micellar water (I just pour it a bit on my palm and gently apply it on my face), then I mix aloe gel and extra virgin olive oil in my palm and apply that too. And I am acne free! Alhamdulillah. This simple routine works really well. I still might have occasional hormone pimples but my skin has cleared a lot. I still have sensitive skin but it's gotten so much better. If you have acne, I suggest you to simplify your skincare routine. You don't have to use same products than me, what works for one might not work for someone else, but reducing chemicals and products might give some time for the skin to heal. I don't also use any makeup on my skin, which has helped too. I am tempted though to go back to Lily Lolo makeup powder..

And back to the clothing, I downloaded an app called Whering. I haven't checked out all the features yet, but basically you can upload there pictures of your clothes and use them in making outfits. I don't really need it but it's kinda fun still. 

Maybe I could make a post about my favorites again.. show some other beauty products I use. Just the problem is that I still have this problem with Blogger, and laptop, can't upload pictures. I'll figure out something in sha Allah.


And what else.. not much really. Still around and happy. Sometimes I think I should have more aspirations in life but, I also am happy and content with what I have and how my life is. It's nice to wake up and see what the day brings. It's a luxury in this world and is something to appreciate a lot.

And I appreciate you too, dear readers. Have a good evening ♡



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