Evening tea time

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh all :) Third night of Ramadan, how's it going?


Evenings are peaceful. Alhamdulillah. I'm having some tea and candy. I am kinda on a diet, was before Ramadan too, but I let myself have a treat at the weekends. 

(It's hard to write when a little dinosaur is trying to bite your toes..)

Today I slept a bit more, I mean I woke up at 4 a.m. to make some porridge but then after breakfast went back to sleep, so I slept until 10 o'clock. Then went to market, made chicken soup for iftaar, and after that I went to gym. How easy it is to achieve things when not procrastinating.. Food is a distraction. A necessity, sure, these days even a privilege. But I always see this at Ramadan time, I apparently spend so much time eating..? I just have so much more time while fasting. How about you, you see this too?


So yes, these first days are relatively easy because I fasted those days I had to make up from last year just these few weeks earlier. I got used to fasting, and now this is just more fun when hubby is fasting with me, alhamdulillah. The days are still quite short, the fasting hours are around 13 hours right now and in the end of the month probably 14 hours. A change from the summer time.. :)

Productivity is important. I have taken these first days with ease because I don't want to use all my energy just yet. But making little good deeds along the day is what I want to do these first ten days, in sha Allah. Some sisters and brothers do so much and even more, alhamdulillah. Both ways are fine. It's best to acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses too and go with what you have, without extra stress. Allah swt sees our struggles and intentions. In ibaadah too, important is to move forward even it would be a foot a day.


Yeah, feeling a bit tired.. I will take some time to just relax, with some tv and social media. It was nice to talk to you :) I will keep up posting in sha Allah, two times a week if possible. So later then,



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