Hey, it's just life
Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah all :) how are u?
It's been now one week of fasting, alhamdulillah. Today I noticed I don't get so hungry in the daytime anymore. Fasting is the normal mode now. Today I just went to market and cleaned our home. I have been sleeping late, waking up at ten, but in sha Allah I'll try to wake up earlier again. I have just tried to be gentle on myself these first days. I don't have a lot of energy so I have to just go with that. But alhamdulillah, it's good to have small goals to achieve and waking up an hour earlier could be one in sha Allah.
How has this week gone then? Well, I bought the things I wasn't gonna buy, in my last post. Oh my gosh. I had a little rough week, speaking of mental health or hormones or whatever, wasn't on my best mood. So I have a bit swollen eyes but finally a smile back on my face. (Swollen of crying, not anything else subhan Allah). And I got the things I realized I do need. No further comments..
.. but I won't buy anything else this month. In sha Allah.
It's good to have some mercy towards yourself. Allah swt is the Most Merciful, and it's His very mercy that we can practice it in our daily lives. It's probably more easier to most people to be merciful towards others, and then be much harder on themselves. My good friend reminded me today that hey, it's just life. And that's the perfect attitude I want to learn too. It's just life. Just dunya. And I am doing just fine.
To the most important point, I feel like the sweetness of imaan is starting to slowly blossom in my days, alhamdulillah. I haven't done maybe so big deeds, but when I take steps towards Allah swt, I feel so peaceful and happy. That's the beauty of Ramadan. Allah swt has set us the perfect circumstances to practice islam and gain also the blessings from it. I wonder if non-muslims feel this month different too. It might look very difficult, to abstain from all the "nice" things like eating, drinking, entertaining one's desires or addictions. But actually this time of the year it's more easier, as the devils who whisper all the wants in your ears and hearts, have been chained away. This time it's just you.
Through the years, has it been successful or not, Ramadan has always taught me self discipline and patience. It teaches to understand better those who have less. It has made me understand that sometimes it's me who has less, and I should be more merciful towards myself, like I wrote above. And Ramadan has taught me that also it is possible for me too to succeed in something, in sha Allah and alhamdulillah.
But of course like life is, it's not about me alone. To have been able to fast and pray, and etc, practice islam well, has also been about having the right kind of company. And the presence of the community, like f.e. in the form of friends or even as small as Facebook groups. No one can succeed alone, we all need each other. That's why it's good to make duaa also for that. That all sisters and brothers would have someone to share their iftaar with and hold the fast in the daytime.
Let's keep everyone in our prayers. ♡
It's getting late and I need the sleep, so this is where I say goodbye to you, dear reader, and until next time,
As salaamu aleykkum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh 🌹 May Allah subhanahu wa ta alaa guide us all and have mercy on us, aameen, ya Rabb al aalameen, allaahumma salli wa sallim alaa nabiyanaa Muhammad sallaallu aleyhi wa sallam ❤️
ReplyDeleteWa aleikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, ameen ❤️🤲