
Showing posts from January, 2025


 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dears :) new week, new challenges.  Today was a bit lazy day for me. Well, I did go to supermarket to buy a greeting card for my sister and a new hair mask. They don't sell anymore the ones I've used :( I liked Ziaja goat's milk and keratin hair mask and I've used same brand's leave-in conditioner too and now those are gone. They have still the cocoa butter line in their selection so that's what I got, it's good too.  Rest of the day we relaxed on the sofa. I watched the second season of Squid game, then we had dinner and a nice talk about everything and islam, and that islam is everything. Ma sha Allah. Now both my boys sleep, the other being the turtle who refuses to sleep in his nice bed but crawls behind a painting, so he is sleeping on the cold floor. Free will has sometimes strange ways.. ... Finnish social media influencers Julia Thurén and Aku Varamäki started a couple years ago a challenge called Five p...

This time it's different

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh everyone :) how is your weekend going? I'm getting better from the flu, alhamdulillah. Just a bit of a runny nose but nothing more. Today has been good, we went for shopping in the nearby mall and got all sorts of needed things. And some halwa and chocolate too :) ... It's true, January feels like it's been three months already.. I wonder what this year will bring. I wanted to think that this year would naively be the best for a while, but now we have wildfires and Trump, also there's ceasefire in Gaza which wasn't understood by IOF as they still have unalived people and attacked to West Bank. I haven't been following the news so much so I don't even know what else.. the cutbacks on our social security due to our own government can also be felt now. Our finance minister smiling with scissors in her hands, Elon Musk making nazi gestures.. ya Rabb. It's important to have rest also and focus in living on your o...

Until next time

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh :) how are u doing? Alhamdulillah. I got to visit my friend last weekend, we just both had flu so we didn't really do much else than what we were capable of: drinking tea and coffee and scrolling through Tiktok. But alhamdulillah. It was nice to see her and it was nice to come back home to hubby and turtle too. I'm still a bit feverish but getting better in sha Allah.  ... Fast forward to evening, I made some pancakes with date syrup, yum :) a nice treat. I've been crying all day, not gonna tell the reason, I'm sorry, but just things seem frustrating sometimes. Pancakes were a good medicine for this and a hot shower later, and I will be new again in sha Allah. For some time again.. ... Suttis, the tortoise, was lucky today to receive a package my husband kindly went to pick for him. A sleeping hut! Well, basically he just checked it with a slight interest and layed down elsewhere (on the cold hard floor..) and I did what al...

You make my days

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah dears :) how are u? I swear I was going to quietly quit writing this blog. Like I have, couple times before. I kinda feel that I don't have so many readers anymore, so well, what's the point when I can just keep a regular diary/journal. But then there you are, dears, coming back again. And also some new ones too, alhamdulillah. I don't know who you are but you make my days ♡  ... I recently met my nurse and occupational therapist and had a good talk with them. I like them both and I am happy they seem to understand me well. We laughed and talked about my tortoise. Also talked about me and my future.  The amount of guilt and anxiety I am carrying for only not to be able to live a similar life than my peers same age.. something that necessarily doesn't even exist. I just wrote to one of my friends when she was struggling, that it's partly a generational experience for us millennials, to not have been able to succeed in life same way as...

A hundred years

Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh lovelies :) how have you been? Alhamdulillah, I'm ok and if I'm not, I will be, in sha Allah. New year feels good. Today I went for a walk and cleaned the house. The turtle is doing fine, he woke up and is very energetic. I bought him some kale and he loves it.  ... Do you ever feel like you are hundred years old? I feel like I have lived through so many events and phases that sometimes I don't even believe everything has really happened to me.  I don't know where I took the energy and life to make everything happen. I guess when you really really want something, you will make it happen. This applies to relationships too. Yeah, a lot of history. Alhamdulillah it's good to stop sometimes to think where I've been and also where I could have ended up to be. So I turned out just fine, maybe not like the standard, middle class with a mortgage and complaints about inconveniences ;) I did read today about a lady who was liv...

Clutter cleaning time

 Assalamu aleikum dears :) how are you? Alhamdulillah, like I posted in Insta, I left home early this morning because maintenance came to fix the radiator. I went for some groceries and then a cup of latte. Usually I drink a cappuccino if I go to a cafe, or a 'regular one' meaning just plain coffee and oat drink. But latte gave me some more time. Then when I came home, I just started to take my scarf off and the maintenance guy was at the door.. can't flee these social interactions :) ... I know we muslims don't celebrate new year, but still we are living in this world and the year has changed as the common calendar says. Also Ramadan coming closer, alhamdulillah. Time to start fasting last year's missed days in sha Allah. But yeah, I think this is a good time to take a new start on things. Or start a new take.. however you want to put it :) For me it will look like waking up my minimalist side and clean the clutter at home, going through wardrobe, kitchen cabinets....