Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dears :) new week, new challenges. Today was a bit lazy day for me. Well, I did go to supermarket to buy a greeting card for my sister and a new hair mask. They don't sell anymore the ones I've used :( I liked Ziaja goat's milk and keratin hair mask and I've used same brand's leave-in conditioner too and now those are gone. They have still the cocoa butter line in their selection so that's what I got, it's good too. Rest of the day we relaxed on the sofa. I watched the second season of Squid game, then we had dinner and a nice talk about everything and islam, and that islam is everything. Ma sha Allah. Now both my boys sleep, the other being the turtle who refuses to sleep in his nice bed but crawls behind a painting, so he is sleeping on the cold floor. Free will has sometimes strange ways.. ... Finnish social media influencers Julia Thurén and Aku Varamäki started a couple years ago a challenge called Five p...