
Showing posts from March, 2025

Hey, it's just life

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah all :) how are u? It's been now one week of fasting, alhamdulillah. Today I noticed I don't get so hungry in the daytime anymore. Fasting is the normal mode now. Today I just went to market and cleaned our home. I have been sleeping late, waking up at ten, but in sha Allah I'll try to wake up earlier again. I have just tried to be gentle on myself these first days. I don't have a lot of energy so I have to just go with that. But alhamdulillah, it's good to have small goals to achieve and waking up an hour earlier could be one in sha Allah. ... How has this week gone then? Well, I bought the things I wasn't gonna buy, in my last post. Oh my gosh. I had a little rough week, speaking of mental health or hormones or whatever, wasn't on my best mood. So I have a bit swollen eyes but finally a smile back on my face. (Swollen of crying, not anything else subhan Allah). And I got the things I realized I do need. No further comments.....

Living with less

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah dears :) how has your week started? I had today the group I'm attending, the movement and relaxation one. I didn't go last week, didn't feel like it at all so I decided to pass. But it was good to go there today, it is definitely relaxing and I learn something new every time about my anxiety, and my body too. I noticed today that now when I have been going to the gym, my body is able to relax better. I don't get anxiety from moving, it feels natural and good. I didn't think I'd see results already, both the gym and the group, so alhamdulillah I am happy to get stronger. For those who wonder that who has to practice relaxing, well yeah I know it sounds silly but I guess mostly us who have struggled with mental health and trauma, have to learn some basic skills later in life. Alhamdulillah for these kind of groups that are accessible. ... One of the things I like about my husband is that he's into minimalism too. So, today was ...

Evening tea time

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh all :) Third night of Ramadan, how's it going?   Evenings are peaceful. Alhamdulillah. I'm having some tea and candy. I am kinda on a diet, was before Ramadan too, but I let myself have a treat at the weekends.  (It's hard to write when a little dinosaur is trying to bite your toes..) Today I slept a bit more, I mean I woke up at 4 a.m. to make some porridge but then after breakfast went back to sleep, so I slept until 10 o'clock. Then went to market, made chicken soup for iftaar, and after that I went to gym. How easy it is to achieve things when not procrastinating.. Food is a distraction. A necessity, sure, these days even a privilege. But I always see this at Ramadan time, I apparently spend so much time eating..? I just have so much more time while fasting. How about you, you see this too? ... So yes, these first days are relatively easy because I fasted those days I had to make up from last year just these few weeks e...