
Showing posts from August, 2024

Clear mind

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah all :) how's your week started? Alhamdulillah. I'm doing better and finding another piece of me which has been somewhat lost for a while. Today I was all day at home, but in sha Allah one of my friends is coming to visit me tomorrow, I really look forward to it because I actually haven't met my friends in the past few weeks. I needed some time alone and doing my own things. ... Yeah. I don't remember now all what I have written since Spring, but I did have a long time I didn't really practice islam well. It's ironic that I was looking that time, back to the times I thought I'm a lousy muslim but in reality I was being a good muslim after all. But this Spring was one of my lowest times of a long time. Somehow the jahiliyah  (old life, old ways, ignorance as a believer) keeps calling me still after 9,5 years and I fell into the trap. Not at all my proudest moments. I was just being in a bad company, won't say more about it

Piece of mind

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah :) how are u? I've had a nice day alhamdulillah. I went to pharmacy and grocery shopping. After, I also cleaned my turtle's enclosure which was a handful but I feel so much better now knowing his den is now clean and nice. He seems happy too. ... So the piece of mind.. the little piece I'm not always sure is it on my side or against me. I think it's called fear. Fear for changes. Fear to let go. Something like that. The something in me and you which tries to hold on, cancel, do everything in it's power to stop going out of our comfort zone. Or then an actual fear. Fear of past events happening again. Fear that this world is going to it's destruction and can't be stopped. Fear of being vulnerable. Fear of false assumptions. Fear of losing something that matters. I strongly believe we are created as a perfect manner, God doesn't make mistakes, subhan Allah. Any feeling we have, is part of being a human. Fear is one of the m

Had a nice time

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh each and every one :) how has your weekend been? I'm happy, alhamdulillah, I've had a very nice weekend. Yesterday I was out at bit, had lovely time. Today I walked to a nearby shopping mall, to a halal market to be specific, and bought few things for today's dinner. I made a Finnish dish, meatballs with mashed potatoes and some boiled green beans. I'll share my meatball recipe below (sorry, no pictures.. but if you are used to cook, you will succeed with this recipe in sha Allah). ... Alhamdulillah. I'm listening an instrumental version of the Algerian song "Aicha" and enjoyed some green tea. I've upgraded my teas and occasional coffees by making them in a high, thick glass. Instant coffee looks like a latte, instantly, lol :) Tea also tastes more refreshing from a glass. Hmm. Some tea lingo, english to finnish: tea - tee green - vihreƤ black - musta maito - milk oat drink - kaurajuoma sugar - sokeri hone

Seasoning and wondering

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah dears. How are u doing? I couldn't stay away from writing. Lol, that just can't do. I was thinking to write a poem or even start a new novel, but I can't do either before I have checked upon you guys. Those who know, I started to write a superhero story some years ago, and I got good feedback from my friends. I have continued it since, but it's too well connected to my past life.. u know, with all the trips and love to Jamaica which is still a little bit of a sore spot. Not much, maybe it only left a scar. Anyways, life goes on and those years have passed. It starts to be time for a new novel. I can feel it starting inside me. Gotta love the creative process. :) I can really feel it, tingling in my fingers waiting to come out. I don't know anything about it yet though, but I know that when it's ready to be written, it will write itself. I think that's how Allah swt works on us. Our blessings and talents come out so naturally

Blue hues

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh :) how are u doing? I might keep a small break from writing this blog, and focus on other things. It's partly because I see a sad phenomenon; if I struggle, I see a peak on the readers, and then when I'm happy, the visitor numbers on my blog decrease. I've been always open and written about my personal life (with certain boundaries), but this, what's going on, is not nice to see. I wish we all can be happy for each other and not only get active and excited when we see some drama going on. Thank you for all those who support me, and this is not the end. In sha Allah I will write again, after a while. You can still follow me on Instagram, @cupofteawithaisha and in Pinterest, aichaelina.  Until later, Aisha

Own way

 Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah :) how are u doing? I had a productive day at home, alhamdulillah. I organized, cleaned, ran away from Suttis (he was productive too I guess.. running all the time to bite my toes or wanting to come to my lap :)), relaxed and then did some more cleaning. Not that my apartment was so bad but you know sometimes, when you clean something and suddenly you have to clean everything . Alhamdulillah. Ready for the weekend. ... Fall is around the corner! I have prepared my wardrobe by trying on my fall and winter clothes, and selling and donating items which are not my size anymore. Some I will keep but mostly I'm happy to get rid of , tee hee  give them away.  I've usually done some kind of seasonal fashion tip post, but this time I am not so interested. Of course I still do relax by watching catwalk pics from various designers, or spend some time in Pinterest.. but yeah, not so interested anymore. I am more into now to just enjoy my personal style and